Glamoursplash gives a brief history of 1950's swim cap glamour.
Here's Looking Like You, Kid says, "Maggie the cat is alive.".
Couture Allure looks at shoes from 1949 and readers share where to find modern reproductions.
Vintage Roadshow - Links of the Week
Artikel Terkait Vintage Roadshow - Links of the Week :
Vintage Roadshow - Links of the WeekGlamoursplash looks at swimsuits used for all kinds of advertising. Here's Looking Like You, Kid gives you 40 lashes -- 1940's ...
An Award and Vintage Roadshow - Links of the WeekThe lovely Tara, at Nothing Elegant has been kind enough to bestow the first award ever to Couture Allure! I read Tara's blog ev ...
Vintage Roadshow - Links of the WeekA Slip Of A Girl with vintage tips for laundering vintage girdles.Couture Allure looks at vintage swimsuits from Tina Leser, Give ...
Vintage Roadshow - Links of the WeekDebutante Clothing digs through the vintage Vogue archives and finds wisdom on handkerchiefs and reputations.Here's Looking Like ...
Vintage Roadshow - Links of the WeekAnd more vintage links from my colleagues at Vintage Roadshow. Enjoy!Glamoursplash looks at vintage swimwear in advertising.Here' ...