You have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. Then you have to tag 10 people with the award. Finally, let all the people you've given the award to know that they've gotten it (comment on their blogs or something). Don't forget to link back to the person who awarded you.
1) I am extremely affectionate. Especially with the people I love. I probably annoy my friends with my baby talk and kisses on the head I give my boyfriend all of the time. But that's just me :) I'm not tacky and gross about it.. lol I do the same with my mom, dad and best friends.
2) I'm very shy, and I don't usually share my deepest feelings with anyone. I find it hard for me to speak without getting emotional about what I feel.
3) I'm addicted to Diet Coke. I've tried to cut the habit, but I'm a major diet coke feen!
4) My biggest fear in life is losing a loved one, I don't know how I would handle it. I thank God that all of my loved ones are in good health.
5) I'm scared of the dark. I am probably one of the biggest freak outs you'll ever meet. I don't like walking outside in the dark or even in my own house.
6) I have an older brother that use to be my best friend as a kid, but we barely talk now.. and I wish we were kids again going to the store and spending all of our money on basketball cards.
7) I'm a terrible conservationist with new people. TERRIBLE. lol, once you get to know me, I don't close my mouth for a second.
8) I can drive for long periods of time in silence.. my mind thinks about everything. I really don't like loud music.. it drives me crazy.
9) I've struggled with my weight all of my life. It's a constant battle that I've been dealing with since I was a little girl & I never fit in well.
10) I don't like talking on the phone for long periods of time.. and texting drives me crazy. lol
The first 10 at least.. if that many people read this :)
Post a comment if you got tagged by me!