In the 1940's, nearly all advertisements and editorial features about lingerie were illustrated with drawings or paintings, not with live models. I'm not sure when this changed, but these little drawings from 1949 give us a clear look at the seaming used in various bras and girdles. The ones in pink have the added bonus of outlining a typical dress shape that would have been worn over the lingerie. Click the pictures for a larger view.A. Exquisite Form bra with wrapped elastic straps to wear with a low-backed dress. Flexnit nylon leno girdle with a pretty shell stitched at the back.
B. Flexees All-in-one with embroidered nylon bra cups and nyralon satin and net lastique body.
C. Munsingwear rayon satin bra and nylon coated laton pantie girdle.D. La Trique strapless bra in nylon elastic and a Femode nylon net and satin girdle.
E. Maiden Form rayon satin and lace bra with a Wispese elastic nylon lace pantie girdle.
F. Lady Marlene demi-cup long line bra in nylon satin with net frills and a nylon tissue batiste girdle by Smoothie Jr.G. Venus nylon taffeta bra with lace edging and nylon leno and taffeta girdle with ruffle bottom.
H. Lovable rayon satin bra with a cut-away underarm for deep cut sleeveless garments is worn with a Slack-ees nylon pantie girdle.
I. Jantzen nylon taffeta bra with plastic fabric cups and a satin and power net panty girdle with high waist. Plastic fabric??? Maybe it was made to wear under a swimsuit???