I was awarded by the beautiful Meya "RockMeBeautiful" :) Thanks babe!

To accept this award do the following:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated.
7. Leave a comment to each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
7 interesting things about myself: (I've done so many tags that I feel like I've told you guys everything! lol)
1. I'm completely shoe crazed. When I was younger, I could care less about shoes.. I would buy a new pair of shoes once mine were worn out or broken. Throughout highschool, I wasn't that into shoes either. I use to wear air force one high tops throughout high school. But, when I got my 1st high end retail store job in the shoe dept, I went crazy and I have probably 100 pairs of shoes now.
2. I sucked my thumb till I was probably 7 or 8. lol I made a deal with my dentist that If I stopped sucking my thumb for one month, he'll give me two beanie babies of my choice. So I stuck to it and put a sticker on the calendar every day I didn't suck my thumb and I got my beanie's and never sucked my thumb again. haha
3. When I was younger I was the biggest pack rat. I would not give anything up. I still have everything from my childhood in boxes in storage. Even school papers from when I was in 1st grade. lol I wish I would of thrown them out when I was younger. I feel bad throwing them now. I'm not a pack rat anymore though.. I hate clutter and I don't attach myself to anything.
4. I have ankyloglossia also known as tongue tied. What it basically is, is the tissue under your tongue thats usually attached to the middle of your tongue.. is attached too far forward and it basically restricts much movement of your tongue. SO.. I can't french kiss that well.. lol and I can't lick my lips without pulling my lips in. You can get that tissue snipped.. its a short procedure. I really want that done!!
5. I've always hated my name.. I always use to want to change it until maybe when I was 14 years old.
6. I always loved makeup. I use to always watch my mom put her makeup on and I would always take her makeup and put it on. It would always make my dad mad. lol He didn't want me wearing makeup. I started wearing makeup when I was in 7th grade. I remember wearing frosty purple, pink and white wet n wild lipstick with silver, white or blue eye liner. lol so tacky!
7. I'm awesome at Ice Skating. :) I took lessons.
Now.. I nominate:
(also check out their blogs and follow! :) )
7)CHERYL (you know I had to tag you.. haha)

To accept this award do the following:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated.
7. Leave a comment to each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
7 interesting things about myself: (I've done so many tags that I feel like I've told you guys everything! lol)
1. I'm completely shoe crazed. When I was younger, I could care less about shoes.. I would buy a new pair of shoes once mine were worn out or broken. Throughout highschool, I wasn't that into shoes either. I use to wear air force one high tops throughout high school. But, when I got my 1st high end retail store job in the shoe dept, I went crazy and I have probably 100 pairs of shoes now.
2. I sucked my thumb till I was probably 7 or 8. lol I made a deal with my dentist that If I stopped sucking my thumb for one month, he'll give me two beanie babies of my choice. So I stuck to it and put a sticker on the calendar every day I didn't suck my thumb and I got my beanie's and never sucked my thumb again. haha
3. When I was younger I was the biggest pack rat. I would not give anything up. I still have everything from my childhood in boxes in storage. Even school papers from when I was in 1st grade. lol I wish I would of thrown them out when I was younger. I feel bad throwing them now. I'm not a pack rat anymore though.. I hate clutter and I don't attach myself to anything.
4. I have ankyloglossia also known as tongue tied. What it basically is, is the tissue under your tongue thats usually attached to the middle of your tongue.. is attached too far forward and it basically restricts much movement of your tongue. SO.. I can't french kiss that well.. lol and I can't lick my lips without pulling my lips in. You can get that tissue snipped.. its a short procedure. I really want that done!!
5. I've always hated my name.. I always use to want to change it until maybe when I was 14 years old.
6. I always loved makeup. I use to always watch my mom put her makeup on and I would always take her makeup and put it on. It would always make my dad mad. lol He didn't want me wearing makeup. I started wearing makeup when I was in 7th grade. I remember wearing frosty purple, pink and white wet n wild lipstick with silver, white or blue eye liner. lol so tacky!
7. I'm awesome at Ice Skating. :) I took lessons.
Now.. I nominate:
(also check out their blogs and follow! :) )
7)CHERYL (you know I had to tag you.. haha)