Staple Over Exposure Zip Top from Market HQ - f.rau Zippered Trackpants - Tony Bianco Dodge Boots - Does Not Equal Cross Ring - C&A Cluster Ring - ASOS Claw Ring - RIO Slip
I'm thinking this is the first time I've ventured much further than my little lane after dark with my tripod to snap snappy for you guys - once I got the idea of a streetlight to show the sheer awesomeness (haaaa I'm so funny) of this Staple top from Market HQ, I couldn't not go through with it. So, while I should continue reminding myself that I need to invest in a remote (focus estimations only go so far, evidently), I would like to announce that I'm a ghost, goddammit. And streetlights make me glow :)
I'll shut up in a second about streetlights - but don't you love that the lens flare isn't from the sun?
Do feel free to pick up an identical top HERE and join me in my nighttime, undead, frolicking.

Alternatively, you can just undeadedly frolick with me on Twitter and Bloglovin' :p