Happy New Year to all my blog readers!
First things first. The winner of last week's giveaway of the Terry Fox book is Caitlin!
Congratulations, Caitlin! I'll get in touch with you to arrange shipment of the book.
And now, to start the new year right, it's another fantastic Giveaway from Couture Allure! Today's giveaway is a grab bag of 3 vintage magazines.Cosmopolitan Magazine from June 1948. Fun love stories, articles, and some fashion. You'll love the ads for beauty products.
Better Living magazine from September 1954. A magazine for the housewife. Lots of recipes and homemaking articles along with a bit of fashion. More fun ads.
Woman's Day magazine from November, 1943. This magazine gives a fascinating look at what life was like during wartime. Included are recipes, needlework, and a bit of fashion along with some great ads.
How do you enter to win? Simple! Visit my website, www.coutureallure.com and pick your favorite item for sale. Leave a comment here with a link to that item and you're entered! OR become a new fan of Couture Allure on Facebook, come back here and leave a comment that you've done so. Do both, and you're entered twice! The winner will be drawn on Friday, January 8th. Please note: If your Blogger profile does not include your email address, please leave it in your comment so I have a way to contact you. The magazines will be shipped via Media Mail in the U.S. and First Class International Mail outside the U.S. It is important to note - if you live outside the U.S. or Canada, I will need to ask you to pay the postage costs, which could be as much as $18.00 depending upon where in the world you live.