Hi! Ah, how my feet aches! I`ve been out running after work and it feels like my legs and feet still is on vacation! I can`t believe how out of shape you get after just a “couple” of weeks off… I wanna kick myself for being so lazy lately! But now I`m off to a fresh start. I also made these great low-calories meatballs with tomato and basil sauce for dinner! Have you ever mixed bread and water with gas (farris) and blended it into the meat, just to make the meatballs more soft?? One of the things I learned today! I love when I get to learn something new! (without studying of course..)
I hope you guys had a great day aswell! I`m gonna hit the sack now, and just stopped by to show you the latest addition to my wardrobe.
Leatherbag (alexa style): Asos
Metal twisted ring: Asos
British Vogue
It`s just me and my tank- top tee! from H&M (I love the deep cut on the sides, that makes your underwear show).
Dream good things!
xx T