SO I finally got around to answering all the awesome questions you guys set for me last week. There's a lot of them! I had so much fun writing my answers, so I hope you guys enjoy the really... long... read :)
There has been talk in the media about the rise of Asian models in the fashion world. What are your thoughts on this and do you think this will have an impact on the role you have as an influential Asian blogger in the Australian fashion industry?
I think it’s awesome that models of all ethnicities are finally getting more equal coverage out there (wooo Asian pride!), and I think that’s happening in pretty much every field you look at (however slowly or quickly). So, yes, I think it will impact on how accepting people are of up and coming bloggers, though I would hardly say I’m influential.
Come to think of it, a lot of huge bloggers out there are Asian aren’t they? :)
Any beauty tips?
Your usual – always take off all your make-up even if you're passing out from exhaustion. I don’t wear foundation (unless I’m on a stage) which kind of helps in that respect. On really bad mornings, I run an ice-cube around my eyes and stick my head under cold water for a few minutes :)
How did you start blogging and did you have connections in the fashion industry beforehand or has it all been thanks to your amazing blog work that you've been able to access PR agencies, style shoots etc?
It all started with my obsession with Jean Paul Gaultier’s FW09 runway tights. Which I still don’t own. Do you know how depressing that is? :)
And no - when I started I literally knew nobody. I'm so lucky that things started picking up early last year! It's one of those things that is a bit of a domino effect once you meet a few amazing people!
Did you go to a normal school or something to do with creative arts?
Nope! Regular girls’ school :)
Pet peeves?
I can’t deal with people touching their pimples. I gag.
Things you don't quite like about yourself?
When I complain, it’s about my proportions. But whatever – nobody is ever going to stare for long enough to judge my proportions anyway. Life lesson, people.
What's your cultural heritage?
Chinese all the way up both sides of the family! Though a lot of people I meet seem to think I’m Eurasian.
What are you planning to study? It better be fashion related!!
Does Commerce/Law count as fashion related? :) I did think quite seriously about studying in fashion, but then I thought Commerce would probably give me a better understanding of how the business world works (because realistically, that’s what everything is now) and Law… so I don’t get sued in the mean time :) Hopefully blogging will help me in learning more about fashion at the same time though – I constantly need the theoretical/creative balance.
If you don't mind sharing, what was your ATAR?
I spent a good 5 minutes trying to decide whether it would seem less up myself to answer this or not to answer this :) But, if I’m answering all questions like I promised, I guess it’s ok to say 99.85
Do you play any musical instruments?
Piano since I was super small, violin since I was less small, and I have an acoustic guitar sitting in my room that get pulled out during Summer bikini times.
Do you have a day job/Where do you work and what as?
Well. I just finished high school at the end of 2010, so I’ve been working a casual retail job that isn’t terribly spectacular – sorry to disappoint :) Over Summer, I’ve also been doing an awesome internship with super special awesome label, Stylestalker – hopefully I can go places with the huge range of things I’ve learnt!
How do you do the french braids into the bun?
With patience. Drink a glass of water and sit before you start. Tip your head forward (almost as far as your knees), then sea-salt-spray and part your hair, then braid from the bottom up and tie it off. Go again on the other side, and hairspray it. Then wrap the ends around each other until they resemble a bun. I swear I’ll do a video tutorial when I get the chance!
Roughly how much do you spend on your clothes/accessories/shoes each month?
To be perfectly honest, I try not to keep track of what I spend, because I’d just get depressed :p Having said that, shopping at markets, online sales, and wearing things inside out, back-to-front, upside-down is key – I definitely don’t have a shoe wall or a walk-in wardrobe.
What are your 3 essential makeup items?
Charcoal eyeliner, eyelash curler, RIMMEL Mascara
How tall are you?
Last time I checked I was 5’5’’ – shut up I’m short :)
Do strangers comment on your outfits a lot when you're out?
Sometimes nice people come up and ask me where I got something from. Judgmental people just glare at me, but I’ve found that if you stare back for long enough, they start to think that maybe they’re the one dressed wrongly. Not that I dress wrongly. You know what I mean.
Top 5 favorite items in your closet?
At the moment, my beloved vintage teal skirt, Staple splatter blouse, Stylestalker sequin tank, parachute-like maxi dress, greatest pants of my life.
When did you start dressing yourself and buying your own clothes?
I started sewing when I was about 9; at 12 I started cutting up and putting together things Mum bought me; halfway through high school I’d saved enough pocket money to have a ball in chain stores; and I only really got into vintage and local designers in late 2009.
Your header is so beautiful! What type of background do you have in art?
I took watercolour lessons when I was in primary school, and I did a lot of film photography in early high school, but my sketching is just a sort of stress relief that I do from time to time.
What is your main style inspiration?
Would it be weird to say architecture? Because I’m a sucker for amazingly structured buildings. I also enjoy stalking Couture shows on and mental-noting little elements.
Your voice and writing, as well as your style, is very mature - what or who inspires you?
Painfully cliché, but in the way of writing, reader responses always indirectly inspire me to write the way I do! I don’t really like reading over what I’ve written, so the fact that you guys can make sense of my train of thought is already pretty exciting in itself :p
What is your fondest memory with a boy?
When I was 4 – I convinced him the mud pie I’d made was actually chocolate. Greatest moment of my life.
How would you define your style?
Hardest question ever. Imagine taking one outfit from a million different wardrobes and throwing them in my face. That’s pretty much it – everything’s coherent in itself, but if you couldn’t see my face, you’d probably think it was a different person from day to day.
Do you have a favourite designer, if so, who is she/he and why?
Ok – really can’t answer that one :) There are too many upcoming labels out there that I’ve come across and fallen in love with… but a few favourites are f.rau, Gail Sorronda, Rebecca Minkoff, AL&ALICIA, Staple, and Dion Lee. No particular order. And there are a thousand more.
Favourite shop?
Do markets count?
What kind of camera do you use and do you edit your photos?
Most of the time I use a Canon 7D (most beautiful camera ever – so lucky), but from time to time I do use a few friends’ cameras – Canon 450D, Canon D60 (yeaaah Canon). Unless I’ve done something spectacular with crazy colouring (prime example), all I really do is fix up lighting and contrast so you can actually see what I’m wearing.
What's you're future aspiration/dream job?
My mum always gets annoyed that I don’t have some ultimate life goal/job that I want to work towards. Sure, I want to do something major and amazing some day, but I don’t really know what that is yet. Anna Wintour can chill her beans for now. Ha – kidding.
How much do you weigh because you always look beautiful!!
Pretty sure the scales in my bathroom broke when I was 8, because I’m definitely not 24kg anymore!
Do you do your own hair and take your own photos or do you have a photographer?
Yes I do my own hair, and yes I take my own photos with my trusty tripod, unless I’m in a situation where I’d probably die if I used a tripod (prime example), in which case I get Katie or Tash to help me out.
Where do you live it must be sunny and hot there because your photos look like it?
Haha hells yeah! It was something ridiculous like 40 Celcius in Sydney today. I lay on the laundry floor munching ice all day.
Do you plan your outfits like the night before or just throw on whatever you feel like in the morning?
I always tell myself to put out what I’m wearing the night before so it’s not a mad rush the next morning… but that never happens. I’m always grabbing things on my way out the door (which means half my wardrobe is in the bottom of my bag). It works for me since I dress according to mood and weather and general surrounding-world-vibes
How do you make that cute top-knot hair style look so good?
Pretty sure everyone can pull the top-knot hair (if you have enough hair)! I like to think it gives me a few inches of extra height.
What do your parents do?
Party party time. With intelligent people.
What do you usually wear at home?
Stripey tops, denim bottoms, ballet footwear (I dance around the house) and I somehow always manage to have a hat on.
3 words to describe yourself?
Bubbly, analytical, colourful
What was your first job?
Teaching small children ballet.
Any celebrity crushes hehe?
FREDDY FROM SKINS. I don’t even know the actor’s name.
Favourite TV show?
Is it wrong that I don’t watch a lot of TV? Aside from three seasons of Gossip Girl and Skins that I watched in the space of two weeks after a friend got me addicted.
I noticed your post on the vegan cheesecake… how did it taste? Are you a vegan? Or vegetarian, or anything like that?
IT WAS AMAZING – oh my goodness you all have to make the vegan cheesecake (get the recipe from Yasmine at My Purple Grape HERE). Seriously. So good. And I’m not even vegan! I’ve been thinking about going vegetarian, but I keep forgetting and I still have to research the health side of things. Any tips?
What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies)?
Swimming, sketching, tennis, picnics (compulsory pink lemonade), dancey dance, design, nerdy musical instruments, dressing up for no reason, film photography, vintage adventures...
What did you do for year 10 work experience?
I did some awesome work experience with a solicitor (and actually got to interview super crazy clients!) which I still do from time to time :) Serious people-skills-training!
What are some of your favourite blogs?
Too many to name – check ma blog roll ☞
Do you have any siblings that are fond of fashion just like you? A sister maybe?
Haha – on the contrary. I have a younger brother who declares that everything I wear is ugly. Woo!
You seem to have a lot of freedom with your photography – self-timer or remote?
I use self-timer on a custom setting that takes 10 at a time. Manually focusing is a bit of a pain so I’ve been thinking about getting a remote, but I don’t know how much I’d like having it in my photos. Thoughts?
How did you manage to blog so frequently while studying for the HSC?
While studying it worked really well as a double procrastination tool. So if I couldn’t be bothered studying, I’d blog. And if I couldn’t be bothered blogging, I’d study. Plus it was like my equivalent of watching TV, since I don’t have Foxtel :)
Who's the most influential person in your life & why?
Probably my brother even if he announces his dislike for all my pants daily. His name is Major. I find that pretty influential :D
Do you exercise a lot? You look so thin and fit!
I end up doing a lot of exercise through my hobbies and interests if that makes sense. Tennis, swim training, and dance (which I’m getting back into now that HSC is done) is a lot more exercise than you realise. Plus I don’t drive (yet) so I bus, train, and end up walking places.
Favourite song at the moment?
A Golden Glove of Humility – Minute 36
OVER. And out.
"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." ~ Pablo Picasso.
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