Handbags today are special for any woman. Be it designer bags or plain handbags, women love carrying the bag with them, no matter where they go.
From then to now...
It's strange how things change over time. There were days when diamonds were considered to be a woman's best friend. However, things have changed since then. True, handbags cannot be held to be a substitute for diamonds and women will still go wow when they get a diamond. However, handbags have taken a similar place in a woman's life today.
Women's handbags, today, are more of a fashion complement to their dresses. Handbags are now known to reverberate a woman's personality and tastes in fashion. As to how women use handbags, the trend keeps on changing with time. Let us see some recent trends for handbags in 2014.
The flashy yellow
Something that your eyes would find difficult to adjust to is the neon yellow color that some designer fashion bags are available in. The neon yellow color makes your body look darker. Of course, if that is what you prefer then you are likely to buy them. Those who love the tanned look would definitely love to have one such neon yellow handbag. Furthermore, these types of designer fashion bags are offered by popular design houses.
The handy showcase
Just when we thought that the days of see through bags were gone, they emerge back again. This spring, see through is the new fashion for designer fashion handbags. Women, who are not in a habit of keeping their things tidy but would want to flaunt the items of their handbags, should be warned. It's time to tidy up the handbag if you want to get a see through bag.
The shrunken designer dumpster
Women dump just about anything in their handbag. In fact, some say that the handbag has some items lying within it that hasn't been used by the woman in ages. So, what would they do if this handbag is shrunken? Well, they would decrease the amount of items they would otherwise dump in. A small and compact design is the trend today. What's more, designers are now working upon designing miniature designer handbags.
The spring effect
With the arrival of spring comes a beautiful smile on our face. Of course, the arrival of spring also means the blooming of flowers and new designs in handbags! Designers have brought floral bags into the limelight this spring. With the onset of spring, the latest designer bags with floral prints are only going to be more popular than usual.
Looking at these trends, we know that women's handbags are never going to get boring or out of fashion. They are always going to stay an important and fashionable accessory for women at any given time.