There's been a lot of blog chatter about Drew Barrymore's hair at the 2009 Golden Globe awards held this past Sunday. Most reviews and comments seem to be along the lines of, "What was she thinking?" The Fug gals even said she looked like she was shot out of a cannon.
You know what? I LOVE this look! Now maybe it's because I spend my days immersed in the past. Or maybe it's because I always side with the underdog. But on a night when everyone's dress looked the same, and everyone's hair was "safe", Drew really rocked this look, straight out of the mid 1960's. Drew, don't listen to the naysayers! There are those of us who understand!
The following images are all from Vogue, October 1964. See what I mean?How about you? Did you love or hate Drew's hair?
Drew Barrymore Rocks It
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