File this under "Lightening Strikes Twice". On Friday, I told you how rare it is to find a vintage advertisement that matches an item I am selling. Later that day, I received an email from my colleague Anthony Argo over at with a picture of a Lord & Taylor ad from the March 1973 issue of Vogue magazine. It showed a Donald Brooks coat with a print of peas in pods cleverly called "The Pea Coat". The coat sold for $250 in 1973 (about $1200 in today's dollar).

In other news, it snowed here in Boston last night. In case you are new to this blog, I want you to know that I hate snow. I hate cold. I hate winter. But I love Boston, so here I stay. Now, we've had early snow before, but October 18th snow? That's pushing it. It's all gone this morning, and the temps are headed back up today, but in honor of the coming winter winds, here are some vintage fur coats from 1966.