By 1954 - 55, full skirts were an important part of fashion. While slim skirted styles were still popular, by this time most women who could wear a full skirt had at least one in her closet. Keep in mind, at this time in history, a dress was an investment that was expected to last for years, not weeks or months as is the norm today. In the 50s, most women had far fewer garments in their closets than we do today. Any dress that was purchased had to be versatile and well made, because it would be worn often.
Here, some full skirted styles from 1954 - 55.Anne Fogarty cotton dress with pintucks from shoulder to hips. Sold for $25 in 1954 (about $195 in today's dollar).
Hubert de Givenchy floral silk taffeta dress in grey and yellow.
Adele Simpson navy silk taffeta dress. Sold for $155 in 1955 (about $1233 in today's dollar).
Ben Reig's grey flannel suit has a full pleated skirt. Sold for $295 in 1955 (about $2347 in today's dollar).
Full Skirts - 1954
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