And now, on to some lighter fare!Ah, yes, a delightful intimate supper party for you and your best friend along with your husbands at a charming villa in Rome. You don your best party dresses and jewels, put your hair up, and require the men to wear tuxedos. You prepare to sit on the sofa that matches the wallpaper that matches the drapes. You try to avoid noticing the ugly chandelier. So refined. So elegant. So chi-chi.
What is being sold in this advertisement? Click on the photo for a larger view. I'll post the answer for all after someone guesses correctly!While you're guessing, don't forget to sign up for my latest giveaway, a copy of the book "American Dress Pattern Catalogs, 1873-1909". Just two more days until I draw a winner! Sign up here.
You guys are good! The ad was for Lenox China. I love this image. Does anyone buy fine china anymore? We use Fiesta pottery at my house.