Today, I am swatching and reveiwing Barry M's Lip Paints, which is what they call their line of lipsticks. Because Barry M has quite a few colours, this swatch is taking place over 4 days, so this is part 1 of 4.
When Barry M named them Lip Paints they weren't kidding: with the exception of a few colours, these are massively pigmented, and most of the swatches for this photo and for the swatches over the next few days were just a few strokes of colour!
A lot of the colours in Barry M's Lip Paints range are 'artistry' colours - meaning they aren't all that wearable for people who aren't as adventurous colour-wise (like yours truly), but even then, there are some pretty nice colours in there (you'll see what I mean as we go along). And one has to simply admire their sheer range of colours - after all, most drugstores have a pitiful selection of lipstick colours, so it's great to see one brand venture out onto the wild side.
Today's colours are all a little on the orangey side, but there are some pretty ones in here. Unfortunately the lipsticks have no names, so they're all named by numbers. Here are swatches:
L - R: Orange 117, Peach 54, Coral 53, Peachy Pink 147 (New), Marshmellow 101
Orange 117 is a bright, yellow orange. Kind of like those orange crayons you had as a kid. Really bright, and matte.
Peach 54 is a bit more coral, slighty less orange and more pink than 117. It sort of looks like a coral-peach to me, although there are strong orange tones in there. This is borderline wearable for me - I probably wouldn't wear it, but I could imagine someone more adventurous trying that without looking stupid.
Coral 53 is wearable, and it's a very pretty coral-pink, less orange than Peach 54. There is still some orange in there, but here the pink is predominant. Probably good on warm-toned ladies looking for a strong statement coral liptick.
Peachy Pink 147 is supposedly a 'new' colour (so says my display), and it's a very pretty pink with a hint of coral. Obviously there isn't much orange in this, and I quite like it. This is definitely wearable.
Marshmellow 101 is a pale, pastel, almost-white-but-not baby pink. This one is probably an 'artistry' colour, but I imagine those interested in mixing their own lip colours or layering lipsticks would like this one.
As mentioned before, all of these are massively pigmented, but they have a pretty good texture. Swatching them, I didn't feel these were too greasy or too gritty, although they had a little bit of drag. The closest thing I can think of would be the MAC Satin Finish lipsticks. I think they're comparable, although the Barry M may be a bit drier than the MAC.
Next, we'll look at more Barry M lipstick swatches, and we'll be looking at pinks.
Barry M Lip Paints Swatches Part 1
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