EDITED TO ADD: Talked to our Prof today, turns out she thinks we don't need to do the survey anymore. Thanks for all your help guys!
Because my blog is about makeup and nail polish, and because I'm wary about putting up too much personal information on the net, I don't really talk much about my life outside makeup and polish (yes I actually have a life outside makeup and polish!), I've never spoken about my classes or coursework or interactions with students, or all the trials and tribulations of being a poor grad student in what my prof calls "the ripoff capital of the world".
Well, I'm going to talk a little bit about that today. As a grad student in management (I'm doing my Masters in London), one of my classes has an entrepreneurial focus, in which you work in teams to come up with a business idea, and see how feasible it is, and hopefully get to the point where you have a prototype of whatever it is your team came up with. My team came up with this idea of having umbrellas from vending machines in London, because you know, it's always raining in London, and in London the rain is always a little unpredictable - you never know when it will strike next.
So anyway, as part of our project, we have to do the requisite potential mrket survey to see how likely people are to actually buy the umbrellas, and at what price point they'd want to buy them.
So, if you are in the UK, or based in the UK, you can help me out (and I'd be eternally grateful if you did) by visiting this link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/58WS7YT and filling out the survey. It's really short and wouldn't take more than 2mins of your time, and it's non-spammy too. I promise it's not going to have any annoying popups or anything.
So that's it, and I hope you guys will all pitch in to help!
Help a Poor Grad Student!
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