To start with, I've been playing around with obscuring the camera lens - today I tried it with a string of glass beads I got for a dollar at some markets a while ago... but because of the intense sun, the lighting freaked out a bit (as you can see) and scattered mini sunbursts everywhere - which is kind of cool, but not as in focus as I would have liked. What do you guys think?
More to the point - remember the oh so amazing skirt I said I got on my little market/op-shopping adventure last week (read about it HERE)? Well voila! Here it is. I don't think I've owned any long skirts before, but I'm pretty glad that this is the first one. It has the greatest vintage floral print of my life, I can do pretty much anything with it, and it has pockets.
It can also look like pants... sometimes:
Which makes me want to turn it into pants... but then I couldn't bubble-skirt it:
I swear on my head: no photoshop in those last two :O - this sun is so unseasonal.
I still haven't tried it as a dress or a hippie skirt - this needs to happen soon. This is worn with my favourite boots, a BONDS singlet top and a braided leather belt that I've worn to absolute death.
So if any of you are around Sydney, go to the Balmain markets on a Saturday and find Lynne Lade's stall - she has the most incredible selection of skirts like these, but all in one-of-a-kind fabrics. She also has the greatest high-waisted pants of all time :O I may have to go back and buy them all.
On that lovely note (just to make the post longer, you say), I would like to thank the gorgeous Miss Diana from over at FASHION PUPPET for awarding me the Sunshine Blogger Award, which I'm throwing in amongst some pretty flower-inspiration I've been meaning to post for a while:
And passing on the award to 6 of my favourite bloggers: HARLEQUINS PARTY, Spin Dizzy Fall, Not So Shy, BOYMOMENTS, Style Sparkles, and Too Many Tights.
