Who has an Evil Twin? ME. They're taking over the world :) I'm so in love with their latest FW1o collection that is so fun, badass and pretty at the same time - definition of versatile, friends. Eat it up :) Rather than picking up a trend, Evil Twin is picking up a vibe and magically transforming it into awesome and outrageously individual pieces that are more than a little convenient for layering this Winter. But hold up, it's all gloriously transeasonal! So when September rolls in and the rest of my Winter wardrobe goes into hiding for another 6 months, all of these shall still be glued to me... when I own them all, that is.

Just to kick off your weekend wants :D because Evil Twin is actually taking over the world (springing up in international stores everywhere - they'll be stocked at Urban Outfitters UK and ASOS very soon!)
Check out more of Evil Twin HERE.
Check out more of Evil Twin HERE.
Hope everybody has had a fantastic week! What's planned for the weekend? ENTERING MY GIVEAWAY! That's what :D