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Decipher the Day: Chrissy Lau.

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I was more than a little excited to receive my first ever reader sketch from the very talented Chrissy Lau of Decipher the Day. I've been a fan of Chrissy's amazing illustrations for several months now, and I'm so honoured that she drew this super cute one of one of my outfits!

Chrissy was born in Yorkshire (UK), but is now here in Sydney (the best place to be :D), working her illustrative magic in gorgeous collaborations, and being featured in magazine after magazine for her eye and hand for adorable concepts. How she manages to get such amazing images out of a fountain pen and ink beats me, but she does it with style and is now represented Illustration Room (Australia). Some ground rules she swears by are:
  1. Trying something new: Not getting obsessed with one medium for too long – she started stickering her illustrations all over town! :O If I were having a bad day, coming across an illustration of Chrissy's would turn that right around
  2. Blogging and interacting: Chrissy has the cutest blog, as I said!
  3. Dream and follow your dream: Inspirations stories and sticking to a goal is definitely something she stnds by.
Chrissy also just got married (congrats!) and, might I add, looked so stunning. She's now off to England for family fun time, and to project-manage the opening of a coffee shop (:O), but I thought I'd ask some fun questions before she goes:

Favourite food? We're pretty blessed in Sydney with our choice of food. I'm a big food fan so I would have to give you a list. The English side of me loves greasy fish and chips by the seaside, my chinese heritage loves Yum Cha, my creative side appeals to sushi because it is so beautifully crafted and presented. On a naughty day I am ashamed to say it but I do enjoy a McDonald's Happy Meal! I'm also quite partial to the odd cup cake or fact the list could go on...

What you would take with you on a summer picnic? Oooh I love cheese so it would have to be a nice mature cheddar cheese, a fresh baguette, some delicious olives and sundried tomatoes and a home made garlic houmous dip, all washed down with a ice cold glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Besides the food I would take my husband, a sketch book, my black fountain pen and red pen to do a few doodles. We recently bought a really cute ukulele from a music store in Newtown so we would take that with us too, I can only play a few tunes so I would force Darren to serenade me as he is extremely musically talented :-)

Shorts, skirts or skorts? On a personal level I'm a big fan of the maxi dress and long flowy skirts. I'm not too keen on my legs so you'll never see me in a pair of shorts or a short skirt. I do like to lounge around in dresses with a pair of footless tights - that's my staple outfit.

Which of your illustrations would you like to come to life? What a brilliant question. I'd like all the cute girlies I draw with long flowy, voluptuous hair to come alive. They'd probably sit there drinking cups of tea and having a giggle. I do take a lot of inspiration from people and objects I see in real life so I suppose they are alive in some way. Lady Gaga has a great sense of style and she could be the nearest thing to one of my illustrations.

Thanks Chrissy! Check out more of her work HERE.

Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend :)



Decipher the Day: Chrissy Lau. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anonymous
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