Fashion and Beauty - Wholesale Womens Clothing.

You wanted answers.

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So last week, you guys all commented with some lovely questions for me to answer, so here they are! (Preceded by another contextually random shot that Katie took of me a few weeks ago)

Do you have any staples in your wardrobe you wear all year round?
I hate buying things that I can only wear in one particular season, so I guess most of my wardrobe gets layered like a crazy layer cake in Winter :)

I would like to ask you what you think is a secret to a popular blog/What is the best way to gain followers/How did your blog become so popular?
To be yourself. Pretty logical, no? Nobody else is you → you stand out in a crowd of people pretending to be the same someone else. People look for someone they can recognise as a real person → they want to get to know you as a real person → lots of bloggety blog friends.

How are you today?? -_-'' lol
Excellent :) A little sleep-deprived, though.

Are you into thrifted clothes?
My wardrobe isn't bursting with them, but I do love the feeling of finding an absolute gem in racks and racks of ickies.

How do you afford all these clothes and where do you get them from?
All of you long-time followers would know that I spend weeks deciding whether or not I want something, and price is a pretty big factor towards the final verdict - but it's always worth it. Some people have this idea that I have an eternal walk-in wardrobe. There's this neat little trick called mix-and-match/layering/wear-it-backwards :) As for where I get them from: I'm pretty sure that by the end of the year, I'll have been to every store and market in Sydney. I kid you not.

When do you feel the most confident?
When I'm performing/speaking on a stage... with the lights super bright so I can't see the audience :)

What inspired you to start this blog/What made you want to start a blog?
A humble pair of Jean Paul Gaultier tights. Nobody knew what the hell I was raving about. Voilà: Shine by Three. (Speaking of which, can anybody help me find a pair of those tights? A year on and I still haven't managed to hunt some down!)

Do you have any change from you to start this blog?
My approach and direction haven't really changed. Certainly, I'm a year older with better photography skills and bigger ideas, but I'm still little old me.

If you could choose one person to have dinner with, who would it be and why?
I'm going to say... Anna Wintour - I'd bob my hair and wear giant sunnies and we could have a stare-off. Oh and she's kind of superwoman.

What is your dream or expectation in life?
To have that feeling of being absolutely happy as often as possible.

What's your summer like? Is it winter there or something?
Aussie summer is the reason for my existence. And damn straight it's winter! I can't feel my fingers.


What's the next best thing after blogging?
Sitting in non-awkward silence with my favourite people.

Are you currently pursuing your dreams?
School makes it a bit hard. But I sure will be by the end of this year.

Who are your favorite musicians?
At the moment, I'm loving The Like, Brighten and Dash and Will.

If you weren't blogging and you could have any dream job - what would that be/What is your dream career, my darling? :)
Am I allowed to blog and have a dream job? I've actually gotten to the point where I want to do so many things, that I don't know where to start. Any suggestions?

What camera do you have/What type of camera do you use? :)
I technically share a Canon 7D with Dad, but he keeps running off with it. So I switch between that, a Canon Powershot, a friend's Nikon D90, and another friend's Canon 500D.

Why do you blog?
It makes me happy.

What do you plan to do when you graduate schoolies?
Well. The day of my last exam, I'll sit and wonder what to do with myself. Then I'm going beach-camping down the coast with my favourite people in the world, then (possibly) Melbourne for party party times. I'm hoping to travel a bit over the next couple of years, but I really don't know what I want to do in uni!

Do you edit your photos before posting them?
I love raw photography too much to do a lot of editing - I tend to just fix up the contrast or backlighting if it needs to be done.

What style do you like the most?
Eclectic, vintage, minimalist, pow-wow.

What's your favourite fashion blog that you just can't cope without?
Does FashionGoneRogue count as a fashion blog? Because I really don't know where I'd be without it :)

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And another shot to close :)

Thank you all for the awesome questions! I had so much fun answering them. If you ever have any more questions, shoot me an email. And if you don't, then follow me on Bloglovin' and Twitter :D



You wanted answers. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anonymous
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