Part of the reason why I don't do Youtube videos is because I don't think many people would understand my English accent easily. I'm not American, and thus widely understandable (thank you MTV and Hollywood), and I'm not British, and thus slightly less comprehensible but still forgivable on account of having a cute and adorable accent. (Yes, I've come across many a non-Brit who think the Brit accent is cute. Believe it! :P ) Instead, I'm from a tiny country in Asia, called Singapore. And though English is the default language I use (I study, think, work, curse, and converse with just about everyone I know in English), I seriously doubt anyone outside of Southeast Asia would be able to understand my accent with ease, despite my fluency in the language. And although three years of living in Chicago have given me the ability to quite passably imitate an American accent, well...I don't wanna, even if it's just on Youtube. I'd feel like I was selling out, somehow. I mean, after all, how you talk is a part of who you are, right?
Anyway, I'm telling you this because my NOTD (Nail of the Day) has something to do with my native Singapore! This is because it's a Singapore-themed mani! You see, 9th of August is Singapore's National Day - the Singaporean equivalent of America's 4th of July, so it's a meaningful date in Singapore's history. And, it's a public holiday, which makes it awesome! :P
So, to display my love for my country (and for public holidays, LOL), I thought I'd base my NOTD on the Singapore flag, step out of my comfort zone, and try some freehand nail painting for the first time.
This is what the Singapore flag looks like:
You'd think it would be easy, right? I mean, the Singaporean flag doesn't have 50 stars and 13 stripes, and it doesn't have a red-on-white-on-blue Union Jack. It consists of two colours, and a handful of geometric shapes. So, I thought, it should be easy! This would be the perfect way to try out freehand nail art for the first time!
Well, turns out I suck at freehand nail art. That, and also, one should not begin a mani at 12.30am in the morning. This is the proof:
Yeah, well, I know it sucks. Sorry Singapore, but I tried my best. I mean, the moon looks like a 5-year-old drew it on for me, and those squidges of nail polish are supposed to be stars, and I blurred whatever design was there because I didn't wait long enough before putting on a topcoat (hey, I did say I started my mani at 12.30am!). Still, happy birthday, I guess. It's the thought that counts, right? Right? *Crickets chirp*
For the base I used Eyeko Saucy Polish. That polish is really pigmented and thick. It's opaque in 1 coat, and I think I should konad with it next time. For the really horribly drawn on crescent moon and pseudo-stars, I used LA Colors Art Deco white art polish, which I'm ambivalent about. While I have no problems itself with the polish formula, which is thick, viscous, and dries quickly, thus making it ideal for nail art, I don't really like the brush. The bristles are a bit too long and thus hard to control. And I'm saying that because I actually mean it, and not because I'm trying to make up excuses for my sorry NOTD. :P
Well, what can I say, except maybe please don't laugh at me? I know it's bad. Oh well, at least I got the colours right.
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NOTD: Happy National Day Singapore - Sorry I Ruined Your Present