Liz Earle has established itself as a premier source of all-natural skincare in the US and UK. Not all of their skincare agrees with me because some of their ingredients irritate my skin, but I think I've finally found a skincare product that I really love. And it's none other than their Deep Cleansing Mask.
Like all Liz Earle products, the packaging is simple and fuss free. The Deep Cleansing Mask comes in a squeeze tube, and you even get two sponges to use for washing the mask off your face. However, do be warned - when you first open the tube a whole bunch of product is going to gush out of the opening of the tube. I guess this means you're getting your money's worth of product, LOL!
The first thing you'll notice about this mask is that it's an odd greyish black colour, which might surprise some people who are used to seeing masks in light colours. Also, the next thing you'll notice about this mask is that it's runny. Very runny. I'm not sure if the picture below conveys the texture of the mask, but this isn't your thick, oozing face mask. instead, it has a texture I'd probably call watery. This makes application a little harder because you have to be careful, but otherwise it doesn't bother me. Finally, the last thing you'll notice about this mask is the smell. I can't quite describe it, and it seems to get mixed responses from consumers - I'm just going to call it herbal.

On the face, it has a tingling sensation. Some people may not like it, but I didn't have any complaints. Also, it's a good idea to use the sponge to remove the mask from your face, as it does take a bit of effort to wash off. Once the mask is off, however, I really liked how my skin looked and felt. My skin was clean, there was no residue, but it didn't feel stripped of all its moisture. I was very impressed, because most natural skincare tends to leave a film of product on the face due to the formulation, but this didn't at all.
I think this mask is best for oily and problem skin. It really cleans the skin, and absorbs excess oil from the face, and it doesn't leave behind any film, so for those who like their faces to feel fresh and clean after a mask, this one will definitely worth trying. However, if you have dry skin, then this mask may not work so well for you, and it's probably a good idea to follow up the mask with a moisturizer after use. I think this mask will appeal most to young skin, as well as people with oily skin.