Button Blouse - Vintage Shorts - Vintage Bag
You thought you'd all seen enough of my beloved blouse, oddly braided topknots, and awkward mid-side-step Zoolander moments? Too wrong. Particular appreciation for the blouse breathing space with this ridiculous (slightly awesome) humidity! While I felt a lot like a boy going to the seaside with his mummy some time last century, my newfound acceptance for vintage pants (and my tendency to chop off the legs) is definitely staying.
So are my sleepy eyes over the next two days - I can't say my sleeping patterns have been the most regular. And my coordination is paying (my brother takes that much delight in watching me walk into things :D)

I promise I'll do a hair tutorial for this soon (given the number of comments and emailies!) - though I will warn you that your arms will promptly fall off once you're done :)
University offers come out next week which is a bit strange. Uni has always been far off, and now it's in my face everywhere I go :) WEIRD!
P.S. who's for Twitter and Bloglovin'?