Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of visiting the NEUW Denim showings of their new Black collection - which, by the way, is genius. Instead of having a white underside on the denim (which is why your usual jeans fade when you wear them), NEUW has used a black thread underside, which means the more you wear your jeans, the darker and grungier they get. Better yet - the outsides are an assortment of amazing, slightly vintage, eye-pop colours. I'm particularly in love with the pink and sea-green. Plus the Marilyn style is high-waisted. My life is complete.
As well as these, NEUW is running some gorgeous chiffon pieces and aaaah that jacket!! It's no wonder that they'll be tripping on around the globe to show the world their rock-and-roll awesome.

Check out more of the collection and NEUW right HERE.
Also, so sorry about my invisibility over the past day or two - I've been running all over the place and I don't currently have a decent camera to share what I've been wearing. Which is a bit more than a small problem!
Aside from that yet-to-be-solved hiccup, more exciting things to share soon!
P.S. say hello over at Twitter and Bloglovin'!