Over the years of being a makeup fanatic, I've accumulated tons and tons of makeup. More than I could ever use up, actually. Enough for my children, my grandchildren, and their grandchildren.
I've actually posted pictures of my entire makeup stash over a year ago, when I first started blogging. Since then, my stash has only grown exponentially. So yes, those shock-inducing photos of makeup overload are actually a bit outdated. Oops.
So, what's a girl with too much makeup to do? Well, I've decided enough is enough. So, this might come as a surprise to some people, but I'm closing down my blog, and selling off all my makeup and nail polish. That's right. Everything that was featured on this blog, that was ever in a stash picture, that was ever in my possession has to go. And because I have so many, I'm not even going to set a price for it. Just leave a comment in this post and let me know what you want, and how much you're willing to pay for it. Please also remember to include shipping in your price. I'm located in Singapore, so it will probably be international mail for most of you.
Well, so what are you waiting for? Make me an offer! I'll start off by posting some pictures of some of my stash, and you can start by browsing through my blogposts and see what catches your fancy.
First up: nail polish, lots and lots of it. Many brands available. OPI, Essie, China Glaze, Orly, Nails Inc, RBL, Zoya, Barry M - the list goes on. You name it, I probably have it.
Some eyeshadows. These were from 1 or 2 years back. So they're a bit outdated. But brands I generally have are MAC, Stila, Smashbox, Bobbi brown, Urban Decay, as well as some Shu Uemura. Cheaper brands include Wet n' Wild, Milani (oh, these are old-style Milani we're talking about, not the crappy new formulation), and I have some miscellaneous brands like Korres, Tarte, Too Faced, and so on.
Some blushes. Also I have more than this. This was taken 1 or 2 years back also. Typical brands are Bobbi Brown, Stila, Becca, Cargo (the awesome old-style tins, by the way), Rock and Republic (better know in makeup-fandom as R&R), and some others.
Lipstuff. Lots of gosses and lipsticks, all from various brands. I have MAC, Stila, Smashbox, Chanel, YSL, Rimmel, Lancome, Revlon, probably almost every brand. I really can't keep track.
And of course I have eyeliners, mascaras, powders, foundations. I'm NC20 in MAC, so feel free to ask me if something would be a match for your skin.
And finally, the most valuable thing I have in my possession to be offered up here....
A good laugh!
Awww, come on, you guys didn't actually think I was going to give up on my love for makeup and close down my blog, did you? :)
Happy April Fool's everyone!
Selling my Makeup and Shutting Down the Blog!
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