Fashion and Beauty - Wholesale Womens Clothing.

Happy Mix

Awesome total black outfit from Acne.

Monki star-print tee. Need it.
Acne Paper.
Shoes. Really fancy these acne copies from Billi- Bi
Slick hair. I`ve grown to like it.
Nice photo.
Shades of blue. That straw hat is killing me.
Autumn essential. Scarf from H&M.
Olivia for Asos, and she does it good. real good.
Autumn must have: Poncho and etnic prints.
Lovely Jacket and Style in Vogue Magazine
I love this girls style
Bridal inspiration. HOT!

Hi! Tuesday is a great day for me! I woke up today before the alarm on my phone began to make a noise. What a great way to wake up. Just laid there in my bed looking at the sunshine through the gap between the door and the floor in my bedroom. It just made my morning-mood so much better!I wish I did it everyday! I do admit that I can be quite grumpy in the morning, and if you ask my B-friend he would probably confirm that for you! haha.

From one thing to another. I got my asos leather bag yesterday. It was smaller than I had imagined, but still cute as a button. I will show you guys later today, or tomorrow! Also I`ve been looking for autumn and winterinspiration in magazines and in windows for a while now, and do notice that I am craving to do some shopping real soon. Have you guys seen the shearling leatherjacket at H&M, in the same style as the acne one? I think it`s pretty neat, but need to figure how the quality is before I go ahead and buy it.

Now I`m curious on you guys! Do you guys have a autumn/winter musthave??
Please tell me all about it!

xx T

Happy Mix Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anonymous
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