A lot of love for my beautiful US and Canadian readers across the other side of the world today! You thoguht I'd forgotten about you :) Quite the contrary!
Are we liking the look of these super hot shoesies?
Well. CSN has a wonderful series of online stores where you can pretty much get anything from office supplies, to end tables, to home décor... it's pretty impressive :) Thanks to my wonderful friends at CSN, one of you lucky US/Canada lovers might win a $65 voucher towards a pair of fabulous shoes at Shoesgotsole.com. You can also choose to spend the voucher at any one of CSN's 200+ online stores (check them all out HERE)
Anyway - the rules are as per always!
- Be a public follower via Google Friends Connect
- Leave a comment below with your name and email
- Tell the world that there's a party at Shine By Three and everyone's invited :p (optional)
P.S. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments and emails with luck for my exams! I had my first one this morning and it went really well! Blog-love vibes are definitely holding some credit for that! Having said that, my posting will be a little more sporadic than normal, but I'll do my best at keeping it all up and awesome :)