They say you are either an ocean person or a mountain person. I am definitely an ocean gal and lucky enough to have views of the Atlantic Ocean out my windows. The depth and differing shades of greys, blues, and greens of the water change from day to day, hour to hour, and sometimes minute to minute. On sunny days, when the wind forms a light chop to the surface of the water, at just the right time, it looks like you are gazing at a surface of flashing rhinestones, a phenomenon I've come to call "Sparkle Pretty". I've never been able to capture this phenomenon with my camera, but German fashion photographer F.C. Gundlach sure did in this image from 1966. The model wears a silver brocade dress by Betty Barclay with glitter stockings and silver shoes. The sparkling water sets off the sparkling outfit to perfection. Click to enlarge the photo.
Sparkle Pretty
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