This photo caught my eye today, but not for the Oscar de la Renta red silk dress and cape. Very pretty, but what captured my attention was the bracelet. Row after row of crystal rhinestone covered spheres with a dangling tassel of the same. Isn't it magnificent? I wanted to reach in to the photo and grab the model's hand out from under the cape to get a better look.
I continued to flip through the magazine, and there it was again, this time worn with a white brocade and black satin evening gown and cape by Dominic for Matty Talmack. And this time, we can see the bracelet in all it's glory, although in black and white.
The bracelet is by Joseph Warner. The Joseph Warner company was in business from about 1953 - 1971. They were known for their high quality workmanship with sparkling rhinestones often set into japanned (black) metal settings.
Warner jewelry is not commonly found and commands higher prices today, although there are many pieces available online. I didn't find anything like this bracelet, but I'll be watching!
Joseph Warner Bracelet - 1965
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