It is with great pleasure that I introduce the lovely Irene Brandt - a designer whose incredibly precise and aesthetically balanced work has been hovering around my head for the past few months. Irene really is the sweetest person, and I, for one, will be compulsively checking her website for updates on her work :)
I came to London for the first time when I was 13, all the way from Buenos Aires. After only five days in the city, I went home and said: ‘I am going to study fashion design and I’m going to move to London’ (you can imagine how surprised my mother was after listening to that). Well, I never changed my mind, it has always been my passion. Designing and searching for new ideas is what makes me wake up and keeps me up at night.
The Vibe:
Hmmm… it’s kind of like asking musicians what type of music they play, I guess it’s hard to define your own work. What I can tell you is that I focus on quality and try to create garments that feel contemporary but that, at also feel timeless. So that if you have an ‘Irene Brandt’, you will take the piece out of your wardrobe in ten years and you’ll love it as much as you did on the first day.
The Inspiration:
Usually, I would start thinking about an idea, a theory, a reflection on the system of fashion itself, for example. I would then search for visual expressions that represent that idea that I am trying to shape. I then fill my whole floor with images… I also work a lot on the stand, so many ideas for the collections come from experimenting with fabrics, shapes and textures.
Usually, I would start thinking about an idea, a theory, a reflection on the system of fashion itself, for example. I would then search for visual expressions that represent that idea that I am trying to shape. I then fill my whole floor with images… I also work a lot on the stand, so many ideas for the collections come from experimenting with fabrics, shapes and textures.
The Future:
Who knows?! Wherever it is, it will have to be a big city.
On Bloggers:
I think they are changing the way information flows. The fact that you can be your own editor and create a journal curated only by your taste or interests... it is very inspiring for designers to look at blogs, it lets us all see things that we wouldn’t have had access to in the past.
Thanks Irene!
So much love for her amazing cutout work... I don't know how she manages it. And hold up. Freak out. SHOES.
Check out more of Irene's work HERE.