Fake London's AW10 lookbook is one of the few things that currently have the ability to make me want Winter to go on for a little while longer than forecasted - the hemispheres should probably have a chat and sort it out :) I've always admired Fake London's consistent ability to form shapes and silhouettes from layer upon layer of texture and colour - so it was pretty fun to sit and observe how these particular textures fitted with each other, think about how I could appropriate this vibe with the contents of my wardrobe, and realising that this simply wouldn't be possible without buying the entirety of this collection.
I don't think I've ever been so excited to see denim jackets before.

Check out more of Fake London HERE (where the Summer lookbook does actually make me feel a bit better about life :D)
Have we all had a nice Saturday? I have some nice photos from a dear friend's 18th that will hopefully go up in the next couple of days.