Stargazer is an European brand of cosmetics, and they have a pretty awesome range of metallic nail polishes. The one that is most popular is 232, which is a silver metallic polish like China Glaze Millenium, but they also have the metallic polish in other colours, like gold and pink. They are all awesome colours, but I have an enduring love for Stargazer 232, just because it's silver.
I combined the Stargazer nail polish with some Nailene nail stickers, to disguise the fact that my nails aren't looking very good today. Today's NOTD is inspired by Lady Gaga's "Lovegame" song. In partiular, it's inspired by the lyrics of the chorus:
Let's play a love game, play a love game...Do you want love?...
...Or do you want fame? Are you in the game?

See, see? Is that awesome or what? I guess you know someone's officially become a pop culture phenomenon when they influence your nails!
I absolutely love this colour - it's not Minx, but it's the closet nail polish equivalent of getting a mirror-like finish to your nails. When I was wearing Stargazer 232, I couldn't stop looking at my nails - it was like someone had plated them with metal!
Unfortunately, weartime wasn't as good as your average polish, and it chipped and peeled pretty fast. I suspect that this has to do with the smooth, metallic finish of the polish, and I have noticed that other polishes with such a finish also suffer from a similar lack of staying power.
If you want a mirror-like polish, this is definitely one to check out. You'll just have to be prepared for the chipiness of this if you do end up wearing it. If you can't stand polish that chips or peels easily, you're probably better off giving this a pass.