L'Oreal Sublime One Day Tinted Gel for face & body

I discovered it one day at CVS Pharmacy while my friend was self tan shopping. I read the information on the front and back of the bottle. It really caught my interest that it says the color is instant and you can wash it off by the end of the day. I thought, Wow! This stuff can come in handy!
Have you ever planned to apply self tanner the night before you were supposed to go somewhere & you accidentally fell asleep & woke up the following morning cursing?! OR, applied a self tanner, went to bed & woke up to NO tan what-so-ever?! It's happened to me several times when trying something new or if I didn't wait long enough for the lotion to dry & went straight to bed (holy tan lines!). With self tanner, you never really know what you're going to wake up to. It may not happen often when using the same products, but on occasion you may wake up to a tan that falls beneath your expectations. That's where this awesome product comes in. I'm starting to sound like an infomercial.
Well, it's obviously not only to fix goof ups. That's just an added plus.
-If you're not a self tan user and you want some color and self tanner makes you nervous.. this is a great alternative.
-Maybe you already have an awesome natural tan and you want something to apply to your skin to add an extra glow and to slightly deepen your tan.
-It's for anyone, of any skin tone that wants some extra color and glow.
-It's a "commitment free" tan.

There aren't many steps to the process and there is no difficult technique to follow. It's not necessary to exfoliate, as this tan is only for one day.
(These are the steps as listed above)
Step 1:
Start out with clean, dry skin. You can moisturize your skin with a body lotion prior to application, but it's not completely necessary. Having freshly lotioned skin, makes the blending time go a little faster (It only takes about a minute anyway). You can always apply lotion afterward to blend everything better. If you're applying this to your legs, shave prior to application. Put on a pair of plastic gloves or you can use a self a self tanning mitt. Put a couple of pumps of lotion in your hand or directly on your skin. It's alright if you under estimate how much to apply. You'll be able to add more without worrying if the color will cake.
**I've made the mistake of applying this with my hands because I figured, it's not a self tanner. But it temporarily dyed my hands & I had to scrub them vigorously for a few minutes to get rid of the color. It washes off a lot easier on your body. Just a little water and soap.. but for some reason, your palms really soak up the color.
Step 2:
Spread the color all over the area you want to cover with your hand. Then, blend the color in your skin using circular motions. If you need more lotion, go ahead and add a couple more pumps. If you see it looking too dark, add a little of your own moisturizer and continue to blend the area in circular motions to lighten it up. Once it all looks blended, let your skin dry. It dries in less than a minute. If you applied a body lotion prior to the application of the bronzing lotion, it may take an extra minute for your skin to dry.
**I love applying a shimmering body lotion after my tan has dried. Even though this lotion has a slight shimmer to it, I love for my skin to shine!
That's it! Once your skin is dry, you can get dressed.
Also, one thing to mention. Once you've used this for the first time, the next time you use it, put one pump (or a half a pump) in the garbage first. The very end of the lotion that sits in the pump tends to harden up and you will end up smoothing around a tiny clump of bronzer with your application.
Here are some addition pictures of me applying the lotion to my FULL arm.

Questions you may have?
Does it rub off on your clothes?
No. If it has dried, it shouldn't rub off. I was nervous when I first starting using it, and applied it to my arms and wore short sleeves out. I thought, what If I rest my arm on something and I'm going to have white marks on my arms?? It didn't end up happening. It has always stayed in place for me. Now, if you're sweating a lot, the color may bleed onto your clothing like any body bronzer would.
It has not stained any of my clothes after I washed them.
If I apply it to my hands, am I able to still wash my hands?
Yes.. but not several times. If I ever need to use it on my hands, I don't spend a lot of time running my hands under the water. I focus on my palms rubbing gently, rinse the soap off and pat my hands with a paper towel. The tan may disappear after a few quick hand washes.. but it shouldn't disappear after only washing them once. Just again, make sure to be very gentle and pat your hands dry.
Happy Tanning!
Have you used this product or a similar product? What did you think?
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with L'Oreal. The opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal experience in using the product.