It is entirely possible that I squealed (such an unattractive word) at my laptop when the lovely Sophie from ANISE sent these shots through from the latest collection. There is something fantastically serene about them all that really sets off the Summery colours, incredible cuts (sweetheart necklines - I love you) and a slightly whimsical field-frolicker in us all. Don't lie. I know you're in there somewhere :)
How beautiful are the flowers in her hair? Pledge to the world: I will do that and make daisy chains every day of the Summer. Disclaimer: this may not happen (but I will take one photo of it in action and pretend it did).
Check out more of this collection and more ANISE love HERE.
P.S. last day to votey vote for Shine By Three for H&M! Click HERE.
P.P.S. I've been having some El Freako internet problems over the past couple of days, so I can't be 100% sure whether my posts are working - so if you see anything odd, do let me know! :)
P.P.P.S. Shout out to my mass conversationalists!
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