Mrs Press Coat - Evil Twin Bad Moon Rising Shirt - Factorie for Australia's Next Top Model Leather Look Pants - Therapy Shoes Tower Pumps
While this wonder of a coat is from Clare Press' equally wonderful Spring/Summer 2011/12 collection, I'm going to be honest and say that I really wasn't feeling Spring today - Sydney had it coming (it had been sunny for far too long!). So, I thought the next best thing would be to floralise a little with this fantastic piece of Evil Twin work. The khaki and nude is something I haven't tried before, and now that I've said that, it will be all you see for the next two weeks. Such are the workings of my mind :)
To juxtapose that again: these Emmanuelle-Alt-esque seamed leather pants from Factorie's collaboration with Australia's Next Top Model. I'm very excited to be sharing some of the pieces from the collection with you - the degree of wearability (or model basics, I suppose you'd call them) is definitely alive and breathing.

I'm telling you now I will never get sick of these Therapy Shoes.
Less than an hour left to enter the Style Yourself giveaway! Get to it :)